We are now hosting 'Knit and Natter' Sessions the first wednesday of every month.
Morning Session 9:30am - 12:30pm with Carole
Afternoon Session 1pm - 4pm with Emma
It is free to attend with charitable donations for refreshments. The money we raise at these sessions is currently being donated to Project Linus Lancashire. Simply bring along any small project you are working on whether it's knitting, crochet, cross stitch, embroidery or hand sewing of any kind!
Call us on 01772 780998 for more information or to secure your booking
All available in store (you can all to place an order)
They are also available online at www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TheQuiltersQuarters
Carole runs monthy patchwork classes where anyone can learn the basics of patchwork and quilting. Each month you learn different techniques which eventually come together to create a quilt. You can make your quilt to whatever size you wish - lap quilt, single, double or king. For further details call us on 01772 780998 or email Emma.
Ring 01772 780998 for further information